The Afterlife of the Party by Marlene Perez

The Afterlife of the Party on Goodreads

“The song was full of longing and promise, the singer whispering that he knew all my secrets but they didn’t matter. He would love me anyway. Forever.”

?/5 (DNF)

I really loved the concept of the book: girl tries to save her best friend while fun humored vampire shenanigans occur seemed like so much fun.

Part of it has to be that I wasn’t really in the mood since I know I’ve sat through worse than this, but I think I just didn’t click with the book.

The book starts out with a pretty cliche set up. The descriptions of the places, people, and things did set up a cool atmosphere, but it was an atmosphere that reminded me too much other books I’ve already read and prefer. In that sense, the book didn’t have a lot to offer me.

The magic system is cute, but didn’t feel real or have real stakes. Get it? Stakes? And I love vampires, trust me! But I guess I wasn’t feeling it.

I’ll most likey try to read again in the distant future, but this one is definitely going on the shelf for a bit.

TL;DR: I wish I liked it! But it just felt too cliche and kitchy in the writing.

E-galley provided by Entangled Teen and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All quotations and opinions are based off an uncorrected proof.

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